Half Dome
MAY 30, 2015
Is there anything like it? Literally, clinging on to cables and standing on a strip of wood for dear life to get to the top of a mountain. People have to wonder if it’s worth it… And in my opinion along with a bunch of others who were passing through to get DOWN, would agree IT IS.
That is pretty much all I heard while I was hyperventilating waiting to get to the top! “You’re almost there”… “It’s worth it” … “You can do it”…. my boyfriend saying “you’re doing great sunshine!” OH! … And THE best yet… My bff saying “we’re almost there”… When really…. we WERE NOT! I won’t lie, it definitely comforted me. I was SCARED!
I knew there was no turning back… And I had to keep “rowing” myself to the top of this darn mountain! My FITness kicked in and every time I had to move forward (more like upward), I envisioned myself exercising, focusing on what muscles to use for every movement and reminding myself to breathe! What really motivated me was knowing that WHEN I got to the TOP of Half Dome…. I would get to experience something a few in this world would ever get to experience! The view of God’s creation, mother nature at its finest! Valleys, top of other mountains, snow caps, waterfalls… Absolutely breathe taking.
Before the hike I read up on this terrifying mountain, YouTube, articles, people’s reviews….Figured I try to prepare myself for what’s to come, especially descending the cables! Can you imagine… Standing on the side of a mountain looking straight down 8,846 feet of elevation?! Yeah…. You’d want to poop your pants! Well…it’s all or nothing when facing those cables! Either FEAR wins and I miss out on an experience of a life time or I conquer these cables and get to tell my story about this amazing place!
Obviously, I made it to the top! And sat down for a good 5 minutes to gain the courage [again] to walk up a little further to see even more! While I sat there… My boyfriend’s mom’s head popped up and that was even more exciting! It’s a great feeling when you can share these courageous moments with people you love, especially her because she is horrified of heights. I just love it! I love watching people “overcoming something once thought impossible”…. That is the Ms Jackie Fitness motto. It’s not the outer appearance that makes you strong…. But what and how much a person has overcome in their lifetime.
This experience at Yosemite was humbling and life changing. I have a different perspective for this word fear. Fear is a feeling and how we react to it will dictate which direction our life is going to go… In this case what kind of experience I was going to have. I would definitely recommend this hike for anyone looking for an adrenaline rush, overcome fear of heights or wanting to be ONE with God’s work of art. GREATEST PART OF ALL…. the bond between friendships during the entire adventure [priceless].
[Face your fears and unleash your inner warrior that is waiting to explore the world]