

MAY 13, 2016

“WOW!” is the first thought that comes to mind when trying to rack my mind around this past stretch of my fitness journey, and just how far I’ve come thanks to Ms. Jackie Fitness.

My transformation has been of the body AND mind, and I can honestly say that I’m the happiest and healthiest I’ve been.

As a tattoo artist whose occupation requires hours upon hours of stagnantly sitting in one space from behind the drawing board and a machine, I fell out of shape over the years and allowed myself to gain some unwanted weight. I knew I needed to make a change and get into a healthier routine. Ms. Jackie came highly recommended as a coach that could help me to reach my goals and I didn’t hesitate to start right away!

I have to admit that I was nervous about my first workout session with Ms Jackie. I didn’t know what to expect and I wasn’t sure if I could keep up with the rest of the class. Ms Jackie was extremely welcoming for my first training session with her. What I really appreciated was her attentiveness to each person in her class- she understands that the pace and level of each individual is different so she pushes and instructs everyone accordingly. Even with a full class she manages to provide a tailored atmosphere that a one-on-one training session would!

With each class I feel myself feeling stronger and stronger. What I love about Ms. Jackie is that she takes the time to correct you on your form—I am SO thankful for this! I have a new knowledge of how to work out my body without hurting it. Ms. Jackie expertly and intuitively pushes me past my own perceived limits every session, and with every session that I finish strongly I am given new light on what my body and mind can actually achieve. New limits and goals are made and met with every passing week all thanks to the motivation and guidance of Ms. Jackie and the fit family that she has built. There’s certain energy and spirit about the class that makes me feel so alive and motivated to be the best me that I can be.

Three months later into training with Ms. Jackie Fitness, I have muscles where I didn’t know existed, my energy and endurance have substantially elevated, and my body is so much tighter. Aside from very happily seeing these physical progresses, I’m grateful to have adapted a different perception of what “strength” and “good health” really means comparatively to what I had thought before. I started with Ms. Jackie Fitness just hoping to lose a few pounds but now my goals have just shifted to just generally improving upon myself with every passing day. I didn’t know that signing up with Ms. Jackie would also ensue a life change. Ms. Jackie Fitness has been an integral part of my life, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to be a part of something so proactive and amazing. Already itching for the next class!



