

NOVEMBER 7, 2015

WOW……….. Just got off stage, what a feeling it was. I was the first person out; my legs were shaking like crazy. I put that smile on and walked out like I own that stage. All I could see was Jackie and the judges, but it was the best feeling ever to be up on that stage and show off what i worked so hard at. This journey was a long and hard it was not easy. I still remember when I first met with Jackie and told her my goal was to do a show by Nov. 7th and she just looked at me like “okay” so we started the week after the 4th of July. I was ready for this journey. The first week we did some heavy lifting just to see where i was at. Then after a few weeks she wanted me to start running i was like “RUN” I don’t RUN I hated running but i knew i had to so I started running. As the weeks kept going my lifting was getting better and yes the running was getting better. Then it came time to where i had to start working out in the morning and in the evening. I would get up at 5:30 am and run then go workout with Jackie at night then the days where i did not work out with her i would go workout by myself. Then it came time to where i had to change my eating it was a very strict just chicken and veggies. lots of veggies no cheat meals. But i did it i did everything Jackie told me because i knew if i didn’t she would know. I had some hard roads and good roads I lost my job and deal with a little heartbreak with help of Jackie keeping my head on and keeping me focus. I also had a great support of my family and friends that have kept me on track and keep my mind in a positive state. I will have to say the most hardest time was the day before the competition very little water and just chicken I hated that most of all but getting on that stage was the best feeling ever. Now that its all over I look back and know that I accomplished my goals was to get on that stage looking fit and feeling great and it showed me that i am a dedicated and discipline strong women and I can do anything that i put my mind, heart and soul into. so on that note I THANK YOU Jackie you are the best and cant wait to train with you again.



