
I’ve known Jackie for over 15 years and I started watching her workouts and paying attention to her post and decided I want her to help me…

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WOW……….. Just got off stage. What a feeling it was. I was the first person out; my legs were shaking like crazy. I put that smile on…

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I guess you could say that I have been an avid gym goer my   entire life. Beginning with youth athletics, transitioning into cheerleading…

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I was never one for going outside or playing sports as a kid.  I would always stay in my room playing video games and eating junk food…

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“I’ve been going to Jackie for a little over two months now. I’m noticing changes not only physically, but mentally. Having someone there to support your goals and help keep you accountable and continuously striving to be better is more than a fitness program. It’s improved my confidence and created a family of individuals who want you to be a better you. I highly recommend joining Jackie for a happier, healthier lifestyle 🙂”

— Megann


“After my last competition, I knew I had to make a change, skill and technique would have to meet athleticism. For to long I avoided the science necessary to bring my body to a point of maximum efficiency. For that I consulted with Ms. Jackie. She help me run faster, jump higher and farther but most importantly creating maximum efficiency, explosively, and recovery. I learned to breathe better and to take care of my body. If you’re looking for someone to point you in the right direction, make sure you see Ms. Jackie!”

— Danny


“About 18 months ago my daughter and I decided we were going to change our lifestyle including diet and exercise.  One day I saw a GroupOn for kickboxing which is one of my favorite forms of exercise and I went to class and my instructor was Ms. Jackie.  I continued to take classes and began trying to only go to classes where Jackie was the instructor due to her focus on form and allowing me to work at my own individual pace.  I have now been a personal training client for over a year and have seen an amazing difference in my strength, endurance, muscle tone and personal desire to continue to better myself.  Jackie doesn’t just work on bettering your body but also works on the emotional side of your life which triggers many body image and eating issues.

Jackie has become a friend as well as my personal trainer and I am confident she can help anyone reach their goals.  I am a 42 year old asthmatic mother of two college students and can keep up with kids half my age in the gym, which is an amazing feeling.  I fell blessed to have such a supportive trainer who has realistic expectations, pushes me to exceed my own expectations and helps me find a balance physically and emotionally.”

— Serena
